Spiral Bevel Gearboxes

Tsika gearbox

Tsika gearbox

vagadziri vegiye gearbox vagadziri, ekutsiva magiya

Iyo gearbox ndeyekunze meshingosvaute helical gearbox yakagadzirwa neyakajairika tsika
ZBJ19004. Iyo gearbox ndiyo nzira yekuwaridza inoshandiswa zvakanyanya muEast China mudunhu seshongwe-yekutanga crane
michina. Iyo inoshandiswa zvakanyanya musimbi. Kuchera, kusimudza, kufambisa, simendi, kuvaka, makemikari, machira, kudhinda uye
kudaya, mishonga uye mimwe minda.

Model tsananguro

H, B mhando dze sogears brand custom gearbox yakakwirira simba rekudzora

HB series standard industrial sogears brand custom gearbox features:

  1. H, B mhando dze sogears brand custom gearbox high-power gearbox adopts universal design scheme, which can be changed into industry-specific sogears brand custom gearbox according to customer requirements.
  2. Ziva parallel shaft, orthogonal shaft, vertical uye yakatwasuka universal bhokisi, kuderedza huwandu wezvikamu uye zvikamu, uye kuwedzera huwandu hwekutsanangurwa.
  3. Kugadzirisa maitiro eiyo suction bhokisi muviri, hombe makabati pamusoro nzvimbo uye hombe fan, cylindrical magiya uye spiral bevel giya anotora gwirikwiti yekusimudzira maitiro ekuvandudza kupisa kwekushisa, kuderedza ruzha uye kuvimbika kwemeshini yose. Simba rinowanda.
  4. mhando sogears brand custom gearbox Input nzira: motor coupling flange, shaft poira.
  5. Output mode: shaft yakasimba ine flat key, hollow shaft ine flat kiyi, hollow shaft ine yekuwedzera disc, shaft homwe ine spline yakabatana, shaft yakasimba ine spline yakabatana uye shaft yakasimba ine flange zvakabatana.
  6. Kuisa nzira: yakatwasuka, yakatendeka, yakamhanyisa base mhando, torsion ruoko mhando.

7.H, B mhando dze sogears brand custom gearbox zvigadzirwa zvine matatu kusvika makumi maviri neshanu maficha, iyo nhamba yekudzikisa kutapudza matanho ndeye 3 kusvika 26, uye nekukurumidza mwero ndeye 1 kusvika 4; uye kusanganiswa kweR, K uye S akateedzana fekitori yedu ane akakurisa zvekumhanya.

 vagadziri vegiya bhokisi

  1. Technical Parameters:
  2. Speed ​​ratio huwandu 1.25-450
  3. Torque renji 2.6-900kN
  4. Simba renji 4-5000kW

 vagadziri vegiya bhokisi

vagadziri vegiya bhokisi

tsika magiya mabhokisi chinhu chakakosha mehendi chinhu chinoshandiswa zvakanyanya mumhepo turbines. Basa rayo guru kufambisa iyo
magetsi anogadzirwa nevhiri remhepo pasi pekuita kwemhepo kune jenareta uye uwane kumhanya kunoenderana. Kazhinji, kumhanya kwevhiri remhepo kunodzikira chaizvo, izvo zviri kure nekumhanya kunodiwa nejenareta kuti isvitse magetsi
. Inofanira kuzivikanwa nekukurumidza nekuita chiito chejasi bhokisi giya. Naizvozvo, iro bhokisi regiya rinodaidzwazve kukurumidza
kuwedzera bhokisi.
The sogears brand custom gearbox is subjected to the force from the wind wheel and the reaction force generated during the gear transmission. It
inofanirwa kuve neyakaganhurirwa yakaringana yekumirisana nechisimba uye torque yekudzivirira kuwonekera uye kuve nechokwadi cheiyo yekutapurira kunaka.
Pamasikiro sogears brand custom gearbox housing should be in accordance with the layout, processing and assembly conditions of the wind
turbine power transmission, and easy inspection and maintenance. With the rapid development of the sogears brand custom gearbox industry, more
uye maindasitiri mazhinji nemabhizinesi akasiyana vakashandisa mabhokisi ezvigadzirwa, uye mamwe mabhizinesi akawedzera simba
mu sogears brand custom gearbox industry.
Zvinoenderana neye modular dhizaini yemhando yechimiro, iyo giya bhokisi inoderedza zvakanyanya mhando dzezvikamu uye yakakodzera
yekugadzirwa kwakakura-kwakakura uye kusarudzwa kunoshandurwa uye kwakasarudzika. Iwo spiral bevel magiya uye helical magirare eiyo dhayiri ari ese
yakatsvairwa uye yakadzimwa neyemhando yepamusoro simbi alloy. Iko kuomarara kwezino zino rinosvika pa60 ± 2HRC, uye iko chaikoiko kwezino rekugeda mazino rinosvika 5-6.
vagadziri vegiya bhokisi
vagadziri vegiya bhokisi

Mhezi dzezvinotapurwa zvikamu zvese zvinofarirwa zvemukati mhemberi fani kana kunze kwenyika, uye zvisimbiso zvinogadzirwa
yezvisote zveoiri yemafuta dhizaini yemutumbi wekutaura, nzvimbo yakakura yepamusoro yekabati uye fan yakakura; the
tembiricha inokwira uye ruzha rwemuchina wese waderedzwa, uye kuvimbika kwekushanda kuri nani. Kuzvitakura
simba rinowedzera. Parallel axis, orthogonal axis, yakatwasuka uye yakatenderedza yakasarudzika bhokisi inogona kuzadzikiswa. Nzira yekuisa
inosanganisira mota coupling flange uye shaft poira; iyo shaft inobuda inogona kubuda kunze kwekona kana yakakora danho, uye yakasimba
shaft and hollow shaft and flange output shaft are available. . The sogears brand custom gearbox can meet the installation requirements of a small
nzvimbo, uye zvakare inogona kupihwa zvinoenderana nezvinodiwa nevatengi. Iro vhoriyamu idiki 1/2 idiki pane iyo yakapfava mazino inotapudza,
uremu hunoderedzwa nehafu, hupenyu hwekushumirwa hunowedzerwa ne3 ~ 4 times, uye huwandu hwekutakura hwakawedzera ne8 ~ 10 times.
Yakashandiswa zvakanyanya mukudhinda nekuisa michina, matatu-matatu matatu garandi michina, michina yekuchengetedza zvakatipoteredza,
michina yekufambisa, midziyo yemakemikari, simbi yemigodhi, yemagetsi simbi, yekusanganisa michina,
michina yekugadzira nzira, indasitiri yeshuga, mhepo yemagetsi kugadzira, yevakwira lifti drive, ngarava yemunda, mwenje High-simba,
yakakurumidza kumhanya ratio, yakakwirira-torque yekushandisa senge maindasitiri maindasitiri, papermaking, simbi yekushambadzira indasitiri, gomba kurapwa,
indasitiri yezvigadzirwa zvekuvaka, kusimudza michina, mitsetse yekufambisa, uye mitsetse yegungano. Iyo ine yakanaka mutengo kuita uye iri
inobatsira pamidziyo yemumba.
The sogears brand custom gearbox has the following functions: 1. Accelerated deceleration is the variable speed sogears brand custom gearbox that is often said. 2. Change the direction of the drive. For example, we use two sector gears to transmit the force vertically to the other. 3. Change the turning moment. Under the same power conditions, the faster the gear rotates, the smaller the torque the
shaft inogamuchira, uye zvinopesana. 4. Clutch basa: Tinogona kuparadzanisa injini kubva kune mutoro nekuparadzanisa maviri ekutanga meshed magiya. Zvakaita sekuvhunika
clutches. 5. Distribute power. For example, we can use one engine to drive multiple slave shafts through the sogears brand custom gearbox main shaft, thus
kuziva kushanda kweinjini imwe kutyaira mitoro yakawanda.
vagadziri vegiya bhokisi
design Compared with other industrial custom gearboxes, because the wind turbine sogears brand custom gearbox is installed in a small cabin that is several tens
yemamita kana kutopfuura zana remamita kureba kubva pasi, huwandu hwayo uye uremu hweimba, shongwe,
hwaro, yuniti yemhepo mutoro, kuisirwa uye nekugadziriswa Mari uye nezvimwe zvine musimboti, saka zvakakosha kune
kuderedza ukuru uye uremu. Panguva imwecheteyo, nekuda kwekukanganisa kusachengetedza uye yepamusoro mari yekugadzirisa, hupenyu hwekugadzira
ye sogears brand custom gearbox is usually required to be 20 years, and the reliability requirements are extremely demanding. Because size and
kurema uye kuvimbika zvinowanzova zviviri zvisingapindike zvinopesana, dhizaini uye kugadzirwa kwemhepo turbine tsika gearboxes
kazhinji zvinowira munjodzi. Iyo yakazara chikamu chikamu chinofanirwa kusangana nezvinodiwa zvekuvimbika uye nekushanda hupenyu, uye enzanisa
uye simbisa chirongwa chekutapurirana nehuremu hushoma uye huremu hushoma seyakatarwa; dhizaini
inofanirwa kusangana nemagetsi ekutakura uye nzvimbo nzvimbo, uye tarisa chimiro sezvakareruka sezvinobvira. Kuvimbika
kushanda uye kuchengetedza kuri nyore; simbisa kunaka kwechigadzirwa padanho rega rega rekugadzira; pakuvhiya,
ari sogears brand custom gearbox operating status (bearing temperature, vibration, oil temperature and quality changes, etc.) should be monitored
munguva chaiyo uye inogara ichichengetedzwa maererano nezvinotaurwa.
Since the tip line speed cannot be too high, the rated input speed of the sogears brand custom gearbox gradually decreases with the increase of the
single unit kugona, uye yakamhanyisa kumhanya yeyuniti pamusoro MW kazhinji haisi kupfuura 20r / min. Ukuwo,
rated speed of the generator is generally 1500 or 1800r/min, so the speed ratio of the large wind power increasing sogears brand custom gearbox
is generally around 75~100. In order to reduce the volume of the sogears brand custom gearbox, the wind power transmission box above 500kw
inowanzo gamuchira simba rakakamurwa kupatsanura kwepasi; Chimiro chakajairika che500kw ~ 1000kw chine mizinga miviri yakafanana
axis + 1 planet and 1 parallel shaft + 2 planetary transmission. The megawatt sogears brand custom gearbox adopts a 2-stage parallel shaft +1
yepasi kutapurirana chimiro. Nekuda kweyakaoma mapuraneti kutapira chimiro uye kuoma mukati
Kugadziridza magiya makuru emukati memhete, mutengo wakakwira. Kunyangwe neiyo 2-nhanho yepuraneti kutapurirana, iyo yeNW inotapurirana iri
vagadziri vegiya bhokisi
shandisa 1. Accelerated deceleration, which is often referred to as the variable speed sogears brand custom gearbox. 2. Change the direction of the drive. For example, we can use two sector gears to transmit the force vertically to the other. 3. Change the turning moment. Under the same power condition, the faster the speed turns, the smaller the torque the shaft
anotambira, uye zvinopesana. 4. Clutch basa: Tinogona kuparadzanisa injini kubva kune iyo mutoro nekuparadzanisa iyo miviri yekutanga yakabatana magiya, akadai brake
clutch. 5. Distributing power. For example, we can use an engine to drive multiple slave shafts through the sogears brand custom gearbox main shaft, thus
kuziva kushanda kweinjini imwe kutyaira mitoro yakawanda.

tsika magiya mabhokisi anoshandiswa zvakanyanya muindasitiri nhasi, asi vazhinji vemabhizinesi ekushandisa vane zvishoma kunzwisisa kweye deceleration
Frequently, there will be a situation in which the sogears brand custom gearbox of the reduction sogears brand custom gearbox leaks during operation. What causes the
kuvuza mafuta uye chii chatinofanira kuita? Kuti ushande, etc. Isu tichaunza zvikonzero zvemafuta kuvuza kweiyo yekudzikisa
vagadziri vegiya bhokisivagadziri vegiya bhokisi
sogears brand custom gearbox.

1. When the reduction sogears brand custom gearbox is working, the friction generated by the meshing of each pair of gears in the casing will
generate heat, and as the running time of the reduction sogears brand custom gearbox increases, the temperature inside the reduction sogears brand custom gearbox
inowedzera, uye gasi rinowedzera, nepo casing ichiwedzera. Vhoriyamu haina kuchinja. Kana iyo vent cap iri kumusoro kwebhokisi
haina kuvhurwa, iwo mhepo yekuwedzera yekupisa mukati mebhokisi inogona kusiirwa zvakasununguka kuchengetedza chiyero chekumanikidza mukati nekunze
padivi pebhokisi. Zvikasadaro, iyo mafuta inodonhedza pamwe chete nezvimwe zvikanganiso zvakaita sebhokisi kumeso kana shaft yekuwedzera chisimbiso.

2. The structural design of the reduction sogears brand custom gearbox is unreasonable and there is no vent cap. The inspection hole cover plate is
yakaonda kwazvo, iyo nzvimbo yakabatana haina kubhururuka, uye oiri inodonha kubva pagate yekusangana; panguva yekugadzira, kugadzira
giya harisi rakavharwa uye rakarembera, uye kushushikana kwemukati hakuna kubviswa. Mushure mekusvibiswa kwaitika, mafuta anozobuda pachena
kubva pagheji rakagadzirwa; Iyo tangi yemafuta haina kuiswazve tangi, uye oiri inozora inounganidza mune shaft chisimbiso,
chifukidzo chekupedzisira, iyo yakabatanidzwa pamhepo, nezvimwe, pasi pekumanikidzwa kwekusiyana, iyo lubricing mafuta inobuda kubva pagomba; chidhindo chesimbi
dhizaini yekugadzira haina musoro.

3. Yakareba isingagadzirisike inokonzeresa tsvina yakawanda uye tsvina yesimbi mukati me muchina. Nekufamba kwenguva, izvo zvakasviba hazvigone
aiswe. Iyo masaga esimbi haana kuchena, zvichikonzera kuti giya rirume kuti riumbe dombo rehuku. Iyo gear box yekuchenesa uye
muchina wekugadzirisa unopfuura nepakati pekuchenesa. Iko kuchenesa kunogona kuderedzwa kubva 70% kusvika ku15%; vashandisi vakasiyana vanogona
choose to repeat the cleaning process to achieve deep cleaning of the sogears brand custom gearbox.
vagadziri vegiya bhokisi
Series universal sogears brand custom gearbox product features     design     P and V series custom gearboxes refer to foreign similar products and adopt new design, mainly in:     1) Highly modular, with fewer types of gauges and more sogears brand custom gearbox specifications.     2) The transmission power is large and the operation reliability is high.     Installation form     P, V series custom gearboxes are flexible to install, horizontal or vertical installation, or other types of installation according to
zvinodiwa nemushandisi, ndapota bvunza mugadziri.
vagadziri vegiya bhokisi     Service life     Under the correct selection and normal use and maintenance conditions, the life of the main components of the sogears brand custom gearbox
(except the wearing parts) is generally not less than 50,000 hours.     The main components of the noise sogears brand custom gearbox are precision machined; the gear grinding process uses low-noise trimming
technology; the noise-absorbing box structure is carefully assembled and tested, so the sogears brand custom gearbox noise is low.     Thermal performance     P and V series gears have better heat dissipation performance, mainly reflected in:     1) sogears brand custom gearbox has high transmission efficiency     2) Increase the surface area of ​​the cabinet during design     3) Using a large fan and a new type of diversion fan, cooling coil, oil cooler and other cooling methods
Kuderedza sogears brand custom gearbox motors are widely used in the automotive sector: automotive instrument transmission planetary custom gearboxes
, power seat planetary custom gearboxes, headlight regulator planetary custom gearboxes, glass lifter reduction sogears brand custom gearbox motors, electric
rearview mirror reduction sogears brand custom gearbox motors, etc. . Personal household items: automatic curtain planetary sogears brand custom gearbox, automatic
eyelash pencil planetary sogears brand custom gearbox, etc. The reduction gear box motor has the characteristics of low noise, stable voltage and
kutapurirana kwakatsetseka. Iko hakuna chinhu chakadai sekutsvedza kana kutsvaira.
Chigadzirwa Makuru: Yakakwirira simba density, diki simba, hombe simba Modular, kukurumidza kuburitsa, yakakwirira kuchinjana Kunoshandiswa mumashini ekuvaka, kuchengetedzwa kwezvakatipoteredza, simba, kuvaka uye mamwe maindasitiri.
vagadziri vegiya bhokisi
Noise kurapwa Iyo gear bhokisi chikamu chakakosha pane rakapamhi application mune mechanization kutapurirana. Kana vaviri vegiya mesh, iripo
zvisingadzivisiki gomba rezino, chimiro chemeno uye zvimwe zvikanganiso. Munguva yekuvhiya, mhedzisiro inokanganisa ichaitika uye ruzha
inoenderana negeji mesh frequency ichaitika. Frictional ruzha runowanikwa pakati pemeso eziso nekuda kwehukama hwehukama.
Since gears are the basic part of the sogears brand custom gearbox drive, reducing gear noise is necessary to control sogears brand custom gearbox noise. In general,
izvo zvinokonzera giya system ruzha kunyanya zvine zvinotevera zvinhu: 1. Magadzirirwo eGear. Kusagadzikana kweparamende kusarudzwa, kushomeka kudiki, kusagadziriswa kana kushaikwa kwechimiro, uye zvisina musoro
sogears brand custom gearbox structure. In the gear processing, the base section error and the tooth profile error are too large, the flank clearance
is too large, and the surface roughness is too large. 2. Gear train and sogears brand custom gearbox. The assembly is eccentric, the contact precision is low, the parallelism of the shaft is poor, the
kuomarara kwedemo, kubereka uye kutsigirwa hakuna kukwana, kutenderera chaiko kwekutakura hakuna kukwirira, uye chinzvimbo
hazvina kukodzera. 3. Kuisa torque mune zvimwe zvinhu. Kuchinjana kwemitoro inorema, torsional vibration yekuveura, chiyero chemotokari uye
mamwe maviri ekutapurirana, nezvimwe.
vagadziri vegiya bhokisi
giya bhokisi rinowanzo shandisirwa kutakurisa michina ine yakaderera kumhanya uye yakakwirira torque. Iyo yakajairika inogadzirisa ye
mota ichavawo neyakati wandei yeiyo yakafanana giya kuti uwane unodiwa deceleration maitiro. Kuwanda kwenhamba ye
mazino emakuru uye madiki magiya ndiko kuendesa huwandu. Nekuenderera mberi kwekusimudzira kwemaindastiri indasitiri, zvimwe
uye mamwe mabhizinesi mazhinji akaisa iyo inotapudza
gearbox 1, R inoteedzana coaxial helical gearbox inosanganiswa neyekunze technical technical, ine yepamusoro tekinoroji
2, kuchengetedza nzvimbo, kuvimbika uye kusimba, ihwo huwandu hwakawandisa hwekuremerwa, simba kusvika ku132KW;
3, kuderedzwa kwesimba kushandisa, Yakanakisa kuita, iyo yekumhanyisa kudzora mashandiro ari kusvika 95%;
4, kuderera kwakadzika, ruzha rwakaderera, simba rakawanda rekuchengetedza;
5, yakakwirira-yakagadzirirwa simbi masimbi, simbi yakakandwa simbi bhokisi, geji pamusoro mushure mekukurisa-frequency kupisa kurapwa;
6, mushure mekunyatsoita machining, simbisa Shaft parallelism uye chinzvimbo chinotakura zvinodiwa, iyo inotapudza inoumba iyo
helical giya rekutumira gungano rine mhando dzakasiyana dzemotor, dzakasanganiswa muchimeshini, izvo zvizere
inovimbisa kunaka kwemhando yezvigadzirwa.
vagadziri vegiya bhokisi
Michina michina: 1. Iyo giya inogadzirwa neakakwira-simba akadzika-kabhoni alloy simbi ne carburizing uye kudzima. Huku hwemaoko zino
inosvika HRC58-62. Iwo magiya ari ese CNC yekugaya tekinoroji nehupamhi hwakanyanya uye hwakanaka kusangana. 2. Yakakwirira yekuparadzira chiyero: imwe nhanho yakakura kupfuura 96.5%, danho repiri rakakura kupfuura 93%, uye yechitatu nhanho yakakura kupfuura
90%. 3.Smooth kushanda uye kuderera ruzha. 4. Chikamu chidiki, huremu hwakareba, hupenyu hwakareba hwekushumirwa uye yakakwira kutakura huwandu. 5. Easy kuputsa uye nyore kuisa
vagadziri vegiya bhokisi
Yedu tsika gearbox speic: 1. Iyo yakakurumidza shaft kutenderera haisi kupfuura 1500 rpm. 2. Yekupembera kweanomhanya giya harisi kupfuura 20 m / s. 3. Iyo yekushisa nzvimbo yekushanda iri -40-45 ° C. Kana yakadzika kupfuura 0 ° C, mafuta ekuzora anofanirwa kuve preheated kwaari
pamusoro pe 0 ° C isati yatanga. 4. Iyo gearbox bhokisi inogona kushandiswa mune mbiri mberi uye kumashure nzira.
kushanda nheyo: Iyo gearbox inoshandisa kuendesa giya yematanho ese kuzadzisa chinangwa chekukurumidza kumhanyisa. Iyo inogadzirisa ndeye
inoumbwa nemahara egiya ematanho akasiyana siyana. Semuenzaniso, magiya anogona kufambiswa negehena diki kuti uwane imwe
kudzvinyirira, uyezve iyo yakawanda-nhanho chimiro inotorwa. , unogona kuderedza zvakanyanya kukurumidza.
mashandiro: 1. Iyo giya yakagadzirwa neyemhando yepamusoro alloy simbi yekubatidza uye kudzima. Hurefu hwezino ziso rinosvika makumi matanhatu neshanu
hrc, uye iyo yekurongeka kweiyo mazino nzvimbo yekukuya inosvika kune 5-6. 2, uchishandisa kombiyuta yekudzokorora tekinoroji, pre-kugadzirisa giya, inovandudza zvikuru mutoro weinoderedzwa. 3, kubva kubhokisi kuenda kugiya remukati, uchishandisa zvakakwana modular chimiro dhizaini, yakakodzera kugadzirwa kwakakura-uye
chinosarudzwa chinosarudzwa. 4. Iyo yakajairwa modanho modhi yakakamurwa zvichienderana neremoto yekuderera fomu, iyo inodzivirira tsvina yemagetsi ichienzaniswa ne
chikamu chetsika chakaenzana. 5, uchishandisa cad / cam dhizaini uye gadzira kuti uve nechokwadi chekugadzika kwemhando. 6, kushandisa akasiyana siyana ekuisa chisimbiso kudzivirira mafuta kubuda. 7, yakawanda-inotungamira ruzha nzira yekudzikisa matanho ekuona yakanakisa kuderera kurira kwekuita kweiyo inotapudza.
vagadziri vegiya bhokisi

ED = awa yeawa basa kutenderera, inoratidzwa senti, senge ED = 60% / h

Fl = inotyairwa chinhu chinhu (Tafura 1)

F2 = prime mover kukodzera

F3 = nyuchi chirimwa torque kuwirirana

F4, f5 = ambient tembiricha yekushisa (Tafura 2, 3)

F6, f7 urefu hwakaenzana (4, 5)

F8=sogears brand custom gearbox oil supply coefficient (Table 6)

Tsika gearboxTsika gearbox







F9, f10, f11, f12 = kupisa simba zvinoenderana (Tafura 7, 8, 9, 10)

A1 miviri yemhando coefficients (Tafura 11)

A2 = kukurumidza kuyerwa simba (Tafura 12)

P1 = simba rekuisa

PG1 = sogears brand custom gearbox heat capacity without auxiliary cooling release

PG2=The heat capacity of the sogears brand custom gearbox with cooling fan unit

PG3 = sogears brand custom gearbox heat capacity with built-in cooling coil

PGI = sogears brand custom gearbox heat capacity with internal release cooling coil and fan

Basic mhando:

H1SH3 H1SH5 H1SH7 H1SH9 H1SH11 H1SH13 H1SH15 H1SH17 H1SH19

H2SH4 H2SH5 H2SH6 H2SH7 H2SH8 H2SH9 H2SH10 H2SH11 H2SH12 H2SH13 H2SH14 H2SH15

H2SH16 H2SH17 H2SH18 H2SH19 H2SH20

H3SH5 H3SH6 H3SH7 H3SH8 H3SH9 H3SH10 H3SH11 H3SH12 H3SH13 H3SH14 H3SH15

H3SH16 H3SH17 H3SH18 H3SH19 H3SH20

H4SH7 H4SH8 H4SH9 H4SH10 H4SH11 H4SH12 H4SH13 H4SH14 H4SH15 H4SH16 H4SH17

H4SH18 H4SH19 H4SH20

B2SH4 B2SH5 B2SH6 B2SH7 B2SH8 B2SH9 B2B2SH10 B2SH11 B2SH12 B2SH13 B2SH14 B2SH15

B2SH16 B2SH17 B2SH18

B3SH4 B3SH5 B3SH6 B3SH7 B3SH8 B3SH9 B3SH10 B3SH11 B3SH12 B3SH13 B3SH14 B3SH15

B3SH16 B3SH17 B3SH18 B3SH19 B3SH20

B4SH5 B4SH6 B4SH7 B4SH8 B4SH9 B4SH10 B4SH11 B4SH12 B4SH13 B4SH14 B4SH15 B4SH16

B4SH17 B4SH18 B4SH19 B4SH20

Inline helical gear inogadzirisa

Helical gear, Helical Gear Motors

Giya mota yekutengesa

Bevel giya, Bevel giya mota, Helical giya, Helical Gear Motors, Spiral bevel giya, Spiral Bevel Gear Motor

Offset gear mota

Helical gear, Helical Gear Motors

Helical honye giya mota kusona

Helical giya, Helical Gear Motors, Worm giya, Worm giya mota

Cycloidal drive

Cycloidal gear, Cycloidal Gear Motor

Mhando dzemagetsi mota

AC Motor, Induction Motor

Mechanic kusiana kumhanya kumhanya

Cycloidal giya , Cycloidal Gear Mota, Helical giya, Planetary giya, Planetary giya mota, Spiral Bevel Gear Motor, Worm giya, Worm Gear Motors

Mhando dzegiya bhokisi rine mifananidzo

Bevel giya, Helical giya, Spiral bevel giya

Electric mota uye gearbox kusanganisa

Cycloidal gear, Cycloidal Gear Motor

Sumitomo mhando cyclo

Cycloidal gear, Cycloidal Gear Motor

Skew Bevel Gear Bhokisi

Bevel giya, Spiral bevel giya


09 September 2019


Spiral bevel magiya

 Geared Motors Uye Electric Motor Manufacturer

Iyo yakanakisa sevhisi kubva kune yedu yekufambisa dhiraivha nyanzvi kune yako inbox zvakananga.

Pinda Mukati

Yantai Bonway Manufacturer Co.ltd

ANo.160 Changjiang Road, Yantai, Shandong, China(264006)

T + 86 535 6330966

W + 86 185 63806647

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